tess: (Default)
tess ([personal profile] tess) wrote in [community profile] s2generations2024-02-15 02:54 pm
Entry tags:

CSS: Example Layout


Customize > Options > Presentation
  • Layout Configuration
    • Custom Header
  • Use Custom Footer No

  • Show Posting Time on Entries Yes or No
  • Show Userpics on Entries Yes or No
  • Show Userpics on Entries on your Friends Page Yes or No

  • Display of entry tags
    • Any

Text Options

Customize > Options > Text
  • Change the display text for your entry footer links if desired; the navigation links are disabled on this layout, so don't worry about that part.
  • The custom text is a weird, hardcoded thing I can't make go away no matter what I do in the theme layer. It does absolutely nothing. Ignore it LOL.

Custom HTML

Customize > Options > Custom HTML
  • Layout maker Tess
  • Layout maker's URL https://tessisamess.insanejournal.com/
  • Custom Header
You can add any custom HTML here that you like! Custom classes are supported; custom IDs are not. Just remember that <br> is disabled, so you'll want to use <p> or the display property to counteract this.

Custom CSS

Customize > Options > Custom CSS Remember, for your custom elements you can create any new CSS you want; your only stipulation is that you can only use classes and not IDs when creating custom names, so be mindful that it should be .example and not #example when creating custom names.