tess: (Default)
tess ([personal profile] tess) wrote in [community profile] s2generations2024-02-15 04:07 pm
Entry tags:



Customize > Options > Presentation
S2 Generations allows for multiple custom areas in any configuration. Use all three, just one, or any combination of two!
  • Layout Configuration
    • Custom Header
    • Custom Sidebar
    • Custom Header & Sidebar
  • Use Custom Footer Yes or No

  • Show Posting Time on Entries Yes or No
  • Show Userpics on Entries Yes or No
  • Show Userpics on Entries on your Friends Page Yes or No

  • Display of entry tags
    • List
    • Hashtags
    • None
This might be the first S2 layout to offer options for entry tag style and display?? Super happy with it even if no one uses it LOL.

Text Options

Customize > Options > Text
  • This is where you change the display text for your journal navigation an entry footer links
  • The custom text is a weird, hardcoded thing I can't make go away no matter what I do in the theme layer. It does absolutely nothing. Ignore it LOL.

Custom HTML

Customize > Options > Custom HTML
  • This is where you add custom HTML elements to your header, sidebar, and/or footer, as well as layout credit.

Custom CSS

Customize > Options > Custom CSS
  • This is where you add your layout CSS. Remember, for your custom elements you can create any new CSS you want; your only stipulation is that you can only use classes and not IDs when creating custom names, so be mindful that it should be .example and not #example when creating custom names.